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Aquarium additives and supplements are necessary for the survival of the animals in a saltwater or freshwater tank. Aquarium supplements make it possible for an aquarist to keep aquarium water parameters within the correct ranges, thereby increasing health and vigor.
Many of these additives are important for the well being of you aquarium inhabitants. Some of the basics for reef tanks include Calcium and Alkalinity, magnesium and Iodine. Many additives and supplements may be used to establish water parameters conducive to the husbandry of freshwater fishes, plants, and invertebrates in aquarium filled with purified water, to replenish depleted elemental concentrations in aquarium that rarely receive a water change, and to re-establish beneficial mineral concentrations in aquarium following large water changes.

At AquaCave, we offer some of the best selection and best prices on aquarium additives and supplements for you marine, reef and freshwater aquarium.